FHSP: Request for Proposal

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Thank you for visiting the Project Based Site Request for Proposal Form, hosted by Brilliant Corners in partnership with Los Angeles County Department of Health Services. 
Before You Get Started:

Below is a list of the required documents needed to complete this form. You may also access them here. Please have all of the following materials ready before submitting. You will be prompted to upload all of the relevant files below, if applicable, and will not be able to submit the form without doing so. 

Please be advised, that a Property Management Company MUST be identified prior to submitting this form.

If you have any questions during this application process, please reach out to pbvpipeline@brilliantcorners.org.
Required Documents
  1. Signature Block of Entity that would be entering into the contract 
  2. Certificate of Occupancy or Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (if building construction is complete)
  3. Tenant Habitability Plan (if improvements are needed after COO/TCO is received)
  4. Photos of construction (if construction is incomplete)
  5. PDF document of construction timeline (if construction is incomplete)
  6. Title Report (if construction is complete)
  7. Rent Survey Template (Please only use the FHSP template. Click here to access.)
  8. Utility Allowance Schedule (Click here to see an example)
  9. Floor Plan with Building Schematics
  10. Unit Matrix Spreadsheet with Unit Details (Click here for template)
  11. Copy of Property Deed or Purchase Contract
  12. Copy of Master Lease Agreement (if applicable)
  13. Tenant Selection Criteria (screening standards must conform to Brilliant Corners' template. Click here to access.)
  14. Proposed Tenant/Client Lease Form (Click here to see an example of an approved Lease)
  15. House Rules (Click here to see an example of approved House Rules)
  16. Self-Scoring Template (Please only use this document template)
  17. Pro Forma (if applying for ODR) - Please provide a 5-year pro forma if the building is a new construction. 
  18. Operating Budget (if applying for ODR)
  19. Detailed Security Plan - Required for ODR. Provide name of security company, summary of services, scope of work, weekday and weekend schedule, total weekday hours, total weekend hours, and hourly rate. If a security company has not been chosen, provide names for current bids. 
  20. Rent Roll Matrix - Please provide last month's data for all units, including but not limited to monthly rent amount, fees paid, move-in date, utility allowance, voucher type, and security deposit amount.
  21. Experience and Capacity Form (Click here for template)
Optional Documents 
  1.  Applicable Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or Contracts
Disclaimer: Completing the form does not guarantee a contract with Brilliant Corners. The PBV Pipeline Team will review all applications with County Funders and make a final decision.
Thank you for your understanding.
DHS Funding Opportunity 

Please note, DHS will not provide funding for any capital improvements, including those necessary for units to pass HQS.

Owner Information 

Owner's Contact Information

Business Information 

Example: LP, LLC, Nonprofit, etc.

PDF or Word Doc - click here for example.

Provide a Point of Contact

Please Provide Business Information 

Example: LP, LLC, Nonprofit, etc.

PDF or Word Doc

Project Details - Part 1

Project Site Details and Amenities 

Description of building (type, floors, units), completion date and construction/renovation timeline, location description.

Project Site Details - Part 2

Completion Stage

**Please note: DHS will not provide funding for any capital improvements, including those necessary for units to pass HQS**

To select multiple, hold ctrl on keyboard

To select multiple, hold ctrl on keyboard

Please highlight the utility allowances that will be provided with the total amount calculated

Building Funding Sources

Funding Sources 

i.e.: TCAC, LACDA, Private Equity, etc.

To select multiple, hold ctrl on keyboard

EX: 30% AMI: 40% AMI, etc.

Intensive Case Management Services Provider Details 

Identified ICMS must be on this list.
Contact Information 
Please provide the name of the ICMS entity that will be providing services to the property, and a point of contact. 

Details of ICMS Service Space
Please provide the details on the reserved space for ICMS Staff since ICMS are required to have a separate space from property management to service clients. 

Note: Brilliant Corners will not be furnishing ICMS office spaces.

Property Management Information 

Please provide the name of the property management company and a point of contact.
Property Management Information

Point of Contact Information 

Upload Documents Here

To finish this form, please upload the following documents either as a PDF or Word File. Note: some are required to complete, whereas others are conditional. Conditional documents may be required later from the PBV Pipeline Team during the lease up process if your application is accepted. 
Required Documents:

Please upload as a PDF

Include unit numbers, size, type, AMI, sqft, accessibility

Please upload document with FHSP criteria.

Refer to RFP

Include security firm and description of services.

Optional Documents